Date: June 3 2007
Location: Marigot Bay, St. Martin
Position: 18 04.01 N 063 05.91 W
Yesterday we made a big move from the Lagoon at Sint Maarten (the Dutch side of the island) to Marigot Bay, an open Bay on Saint Martin (the French side of the island). While it’s a bit more touristy here, we also think it’s much nicer. Clear water in the anchorage, French food, and we’re at anchor instead of tied to a dock. We’ll add this to our list of places to visit on a return trip with Rachel.
Location: Marigot Bay, St. Martin
Position: 18 04.01 N 063 05.91 W
Yesterday we made a big move from the Lagoon at Sint Maarten (the Dutch side of the island) to Marigot Bay, an open Bay on Saint Martin (the French side of the island). While it’s a bit more touristy here, we also think it’s much nicer. Clear water in the anchorage, French food, and we’re at anchor instead of tied to a dock. We’ll add this to our list of places to visit on a return trip with Rachel.

The plan was to get up early, hit the outdoor produce market, a couple of supermarkets, and the bread shop for last minute supplies and then set off for the Azores. The shopping trip took longer than we had anticipated so we decided to get some lunch ashore then head back to the boat to stow everything and set off on Sunday. We found a great French restaurant and ate delicious French food. We all decided it was well worth the delay.
Mark & Julie
s/v Rachel
s/v Rachel