Location: s/v Liberty, about 380 miles SE of Bermuda
Position: 28 03 N 059 13 W
Mark received some nice fishing supplies (line, lures, swivels, spool, etc.) for his birthday. He and John have been trolling various lures at various depths and distances behind the boat ever since to test them out. We don't leave the rig out overnight, so when Mark came on watch at 6am, he dropped the lure in.
This morning's offering was a simple "silver spoon" on about 15' of Monel wire leader. A couple of hours later, he had a strike!
"Play the fish. Let it run some, but bring it in when you can. Without breaking the line!"
"Get my gloves!"
"Where's that gaff?"
"Clear the after deck!"
"Get out the cutting board!"
"Get out the washdown hose!"
"It doesn't look all that big."
"Oh. It looks bigger now."
"Walk the fish forward so I can get the net under it!"
"It's too big for the net. Get the gaff."
Soon we had a nice wahoo aboard - our guesstimate is that it was about 3 1/2' long and weighed around 25 lbs.

Julie is aleady in the galley whipping up a mango salsa with available ingredients to go with it. Carter is figuring out the best method to cook the wahoo, she's a great cook and we are enjoying many wonderful creations from the galley. So it looks like our team work has paid off again and we'll be having a nice fish dinner this evening.
By the way - we may never want to eat store bought mango again, the fresh ones in the Caribbean are AWESOME.
Mark & Julie
s/v Rachel