Undisclosed Cay, Abacos, Bahamas
N 26 ?? W 076 ??
The Abacos, the northern island chain of the Bahamas, is mainly populated by descendants of English loyalists and their slaves who fled the American colonies during the revolution. Because of this there is more of a white population here than in other areas of the Bahamas. The Abacos is one of the more touristy areas, after Nassau, but that being said it's not really that touristy. We tend to try and stay with the more natural and less inhabited areas when we can, but that's not always possible.

we really scored in the sea glass department. This was especially
exciting as the whole time we were in the Western Caribbean we found
no sea glass. Not even one tiny piece! Sea glass, as you may know,
is broken pieces of glass which get swished around by the waves
crashing them against the sand and causing them to get scuffed. The
perfect piece of sea glass is a piece which has no shiny areas left
on it. White, green and brown are the most common colours (think
beer) so we always find more of them. Other 'prize' pieces are any
other colour but especially blue, which is quite rare.
you can see we did find a few pieces
that were 'prize' but also came home with a golf ball. We found tons
of sponge one of which we kept, and a cute piece of coconut that if
painted could look like a monkey's head with a tuft of hair. You
have to be imaginative... and what else are we going to do anyway.
It's all about entertaining yourself and staying out of trouble
right? Just like when we were kids.
are we going to do with all this stuff?