Position: N 23 21.521 W 075 08.506
We arrived at Little San Salvador Island (N 24 34.633 W 075 57.282) on the 16th after a wonderful sail from Fernandez Bay, Cat Island. We passed through a “fishing hot spot” as noted in the chart plotter, but unfortunately never even got a nibble.
When we arrived we found a huge cruise ship anchored just off the island, but just as we arrived, she raised anchor and we had this lovely beach to ourselves.
The Holland-America Line purchased Little San Salvador and has turned it into a somewhat Disney-like “island paradise” for their passengers. It seems the ships move from one destination to another at night so the passengers can sleep and not get bored with the travel, then anchor at various “island paradises” for the day so they can enjoy all the amenities.
Things like beaches with big nets around

One gal we spoke with who works there told us that 3,000 – 4,000 passengers will debark for the day from a single cruise ship – and sometimes there are two cruise ships in port concurrently.
No cruise ships were due in until Friday, so we had a couple of days to explore, walk the trails, and swim in the crystal clear water.
On the 18th we weighed anchor at 2:00 am and had a long 90 mile sail down to Thompson Bay, Long Island. We were really surprised to find over 40 boats here ahead of us. When we were here about this time last year, there were only a dozen or so.
We’re looking forward to hitch hiking to the bank and museum tomorrow.
Fair winds.