Location: Nassau
Position: N25 04.737 W077 19.855
We had an early start on Saturday, just as dawn was starting to break. With 60 miles ahead of us and winds on the nose we knew it would be a long day. We moved off the shallow Grand Bahama Bank and back into deep water named The Tongue of the Ocean. Mark was inspired and decided to get out his fishing gear. We had a nice sail in increasingly strengthening winds all the way to Nassau. Not wanting to strain the temporary steering repair, we motor-sailed and kept our sails reefed.
As we got closer to Nassau Mark decided to reel in his line and as he did a fish took the lure! Finally! We had a few minutes of excitement as he reeled it in, but alas, it got away before we managed to get it aboard. We’d have had a difficult time getting it up and dressed, anyway, as the boat was healed about 20 degrees by this time. Our new friends on ‘Suzanne’ managed to catch 2 15lb Mahi Mahi!! After we arrived, they invited us over to share some. They were absolutely delicious, giving Mark added incentive to work further on his fishing skills.
We’re currently anchored out in Nassau. We arrived here at about 3:30pm on Saturday then spent the next two hours looking for, and finally finding a place to anchor.
On Sunday we dinghied ashore and had a lovely walk through town. We’re expecting to explore some more as we will probably be here for a couple of days fixing our steering gear.
A bunch of us who all came over from Miami in the same weather window decided to get together at a local bar to watch the Super Bowl. Several of the crews were from the Boston area and were hoping to see history made. We picked a bar named “Crazy Johnny’s”, mostly because it was a short walk from the marinas where some of the boats were staying, had a big screen TV, was running a special – three Budweisers for $10 (beer is more expensive than rum here), and promised free appetizers at half-time.
We got settled in and the owner (hairy, tattooed, wiry, and surprisingly named Johnny) came over, introduced himself, and thanked us for coming. He didn’t seem too crazy. Then, just before the game started, he jumped from a balcony to the rafters and did 10 chin ups about 15 feet above from the floor , hung from his knees, and shouted “The night’s still young!” We knew then that we were in for an interesting evening.
At various points during the game he would jump up on the bar, take a huge swig of rum, and, with butane torch in hand, spout a huge fireball out over the floor. Or he’d jump up onto the frame holding a speaker and do inverted sit ups. Or more pull ups. Or flop himself on the floor and go spasmodic, hollering and whistling all the while. Or jump on the bar and parade up and down, shouting “Go Jets!” (for those of you not in America, the Jets and the Giants are both New York teams. The Giants were playing, the Jets weren’t. This made his “Go Jets!” funny).
We’d planned to leave at half time, but the game was so good, the beer was ice cold, and the ‘entertainment’ was so interesting, we decided to stay put until the end. We’re glad we did! Even though the Patriots lost, it was one of the best Super Bowl games we can remember. Julie is even starting to get the hang of some of the rules – finally.
After the game, Crazy Johnny came over and gave our table a ‘consolation’ bottle of champagne, thanked us again for coming, and once again appeared to be sane and gentlemanly. Then he turned off the TV, cranked up the music, jumped up on the bar, and started marching around shouting, whistling, and screaming again. It was time for us to leave ending a fun and entertaining evening.
Go Jets!
Mark & Julie
s/v Rachel
Position: N25 04.737 W077 19.855
We had an early start on Saturday, just as dawn was starting to break. With 60 miles ahead of us and winds on the nose we knew it would be a long day. We moved off the shallow Grand Bahama Bank and back into deep water named The Tongue of the Ocean. Mark was inspired and decided to get out his fishing gear. We had a nice sail in increasingly strengthening winds all the way to Nassau. Not wanting to strain the temporary steering repair, we motor-sailed and kept our sails reefed.
As we got closer to Nassau Mark decided to reel in his line and as he did a fish took the lure! Finally! We had a few minutes of excitement as he reeled it in, but alas, it got away before we managed to get it aboard. We’d have had a difficult time getting it up and dressed, anyway, as the boat was healed about 20 degrees by this time. Our new friends on ‘Suzanne’ managed to catch 2 15lb Mahi Mahi!! After we arrived, they invited us over to share some. They were absolutely delicious, giving Mark added incentive to work further on his fishing skills.
On Sunday we dinghied ashore and had a lovely walk through town. We’re expecting to explore some more as we will probably be here for a couple of days fixing our steering gear.
A bunch of us who all came over from Miami in the same weather window decided to get together at a local bar to watch the Super Bowl. Several of the crews were from the Boston area and were hoping to see history made. We picked a bar named “Crazy Johnny’s”, mostly because it was a short walk from the marinas where some of the boats were staying, had a big screen TV, was running a special – three Budweisers for $10 (beer is more expensive than rum here), and promised free appetizers at half-time.
We got settled in and the owner (hairy, tattooed, wiry, and surprisingly named Johnny) came over, introduced himself, and thanked us for coming. He didn’t seem too crazy. Then, just before the game started, he jumped from a balcony to the rafters and did 10 chin ups about 15 feet above from the floor , hung from his knees, and shouted “The night’s still young!” We knew then that we were in for an interesting evening.
At various points during the game he would jump up on the bar, take a huge swig of rum, and, with butane torch in hand, spout a huge fireball out over the floor. Or he’d jump up onto the frame holding a speaker and do inverted sit ups. Or more pull ups. Or flop himself on the floor and go spasmodic, hollering and whistling all the while. Or jump on the bar and parade up and down, shouting “Go Jets!” (for those of you not in America, the Jets and the Giants are both New York teams. The Giants were playing, the Jets weren’t. This made his “Go Jets!” funny).
We’d planned to leave at half time, but the game was so good, the beer was ice cold, and the ‘entertainment’ was so interesting, we decided to stay put until the end. We’re glad we did! Even though the Patriots lost, it was one of the best Super Bowl games we can remember. Julie is even starting to get the hang of some of the rules – finally.
After the game, Crazy Johnny came over and gave our table a ‘consolation’ bottle of champagne, thanked us again for coming, and once again appeared to be sane and gentlemanly. Then he turned off the TV, cranked up the music, jumped up on the bar, and started marching around shouting, whistling, and screaming again. It was time for us to leave ending a fun and entertaining evening.
Go Jets!
Mark & Julie
s/v Rachel