"What a sad day. I have the local news on. They said Edgewood Gardens will be torn down, and the wrecking ball swings at 9:00 a.m. today. They showed a picture of the house, calling it Reed Hall. They quoted the president of AIC, saying they did everything they could do to save it, but they owed it to the neighborhood and the students to take it down. "

Without going into a lot of family history, Edgewood Gardens is where Mark's father grew up along with his brothers, sister and two cousins. The house was donated to American International College and was subsequently used as a dormitory.
Without going into a lot of family history, Edgewood Gardens is where Mark's father grew up along with his brothers, sister and two cousins. The house was donated to American International College and was subsequently used as a dormitory.
Over last Thanksgiving weekend, Mark & Julie and Mark's mom & dad visited Edgewood Gardens and managed to take a few pictures before their camera's memory became full.
It was sad to see how derelict it had become, and it quite obviously wasn't long for this world. We're grateful we had the chance to see it one more time (Julie's first) before it was torn down.