Date: Fri, 23 Sept., 2005
Location: Solomons, MD
Current position: 38 19.858 N 076 27.256 W
We decided to stay where we were until this AM - we're scheduled to have south winds all day until this evening when they shift to the north. We'll move later this AM

By the way, the tikki bar has very strong margaritas. Really, really strong. Ouch. 'Nuff said.
Oh, and our position report went off this morning without a hitch - about time! A fellow just now dinghied up to us and said he'd heard us on the radio this morning. We asked if he'd heard all our screw ups and he very diplomatically said "Nope." We may be through the woods on this one.
We did end up moving - a boat left a prime spot in the anchorage and we moved to it. Lots of room to swing and we're a lot more comfortable with our move
Sat. 25 September
We did the trash / shopping / laundry thing today. We may need to rethink that one and divide it up into separate trips. By the time we got back to the dinghy, we both were wearing backpacks and carrying two heavy bags. Between the laundry, the groceries, and the obligatory visit to West Marine, we were pretty loaded down. We can see why people have those handy "milk crate on wheels" things for their provisioning runs.
More later. We're planning to haul anchor early tomorrow morning and head north to the Rhode River - a trip of about 40 nautical miles.
Mark & Julie
s/v Rachel
Location: Solomons, MD
Current position: 38 19.858 N 076 27.256 W
We decided to stay where we were until this AM - we're scheduled to have south winds all day until this evening when they shift to the north. We'll move later this AM

By the way, the tikki bar has very strong margaritas. Really, really strong. Ouch. 'Nuff said.
Oh, and our position report went off this morning without a hitch - about time! A fellow just now dinghied up to us and said he'd heard us on the radio this morning. We asked if he'd heard all our screw ups and he very diplomatically said "Nope." We may be through the woods on this one.
We did end up moving - a boat left a prime spot in the anchorage and we moved to it. Lots of room to swing and we're a lot more comfortable with our move
Sat. 25 September
We did the trash / shopping / laundry thing today. We may need to rethink that one and divide it up into separate trips. By the time we got back to the dinghy, we both were wearing backpacks and carrying two heavy bags. Between the laundry, the groceries, and the obligatory visit to West Marine, we were pretty loaded down. We can see why people have those handy "milk crate on wheels" things for their provisioning runs.
More later. We're planning to haul anchor early tomorrow morning and head north to the Rhode River - a trip of about 40 nautical miles.
Mark & Julie
s/v Rachel