Location: Blacksburg, VA
Position: Crammed into the van...
... along with most of the stuff we're planning to shoehorn into Rachel. But not all. Nope. Between the dinghy (still not finished, of course) and all it's associated parts, epoxies, paints, sander, vacuum, extension cords, etc., etc., the stuff we've been purchasing for Rachel over the winter, our clothes, tools, sewing machine, food, wine, and all the other assorted crap we're taking, the van's full. Plus, it looks like we'll have to make a return trip next week to pick up the things we couldn't fit this time around.
We learned some new boat math this week: you start out with 10 boat jobs, do 7 and then you only have 8 left.
We learned some new boat math this week: you start out with 10 boat jobs, do 7 and then you only have 8 left.

It's pretty much the same when moving out of your house, too. We've been hoping the hit the road "tomorrow" for the past 4 or 5 days. But the good news is, it looks like we'll actually be heading out tomorrow. The real tomorrow - Monday, 23 April.

Yesterday we took a few hours off in the afternoon - the first break we've had since we quit work! Sheesh! We loaded the dinghy (raw epoxy on the inside, primer on the outside) onto the van and took it to the lake for it's maiden voyage. We popped a bottle of Champagne, made some generous offerings to Neptune and Poseidon, then proceeded to drink the rest as we cruised around the lake.